Two experimental facilities are used for this project:
- DESTROJER facility (DEnsity Stratified Turbulent ROund free Jet ExpeRiment)
The DESTROJER setup consists of a 1m x 1m x 1m cubic tank, featuring a D=12.7mm jet nozzle diameter. The facility is made of acrylic glass to provide optical access for PIV and PLIF applications. The miniDESTROJET facility consists of a 30cm x 30cm x 30cm cubic tank instead, with a jet diameter of 2 mm.
Both facilities are equipped with a PIV system consisting of a Phantom Miro LAB 340 high-speed camera with 2,560×1,600 pixels, achieving 800Hz as the maximum frame rate at full resolution, and a double-cavity pulsed Nd:YLF Laser system having a maximum frequency of 10,000Hz at a wavelength of 527nm. A second Phantom Miro LAB 340 camera is used for simultaneous PLIF measurements.